2nd Edition February 28,2022
By Heather Brain
Declaration of Dissolution
When, in the course of systematic and inhumane events, it becomes necessary for the People to dissolve the political and economic bands which have connected Them with another, and to assume among the Natural Order of the Sacred Design, the separate and equal station to which the Common Laws of the Natural Order and of the Sacred's Creator entitle Them, a decent respect to the opinions of the Global Citizenry requires that They declare the causes which impel Them to Their separation.
We hold these Truths to be Absolute and self evident, that all of Life is created equal, that all of Life naturally occurring is endowed by Creator with Absolute Truths and unalienable rights, that among these are Life (Existence), Liberty, and the Greatest Good for all that is Sacred to be attended as Creator of all that is Sacred intended.
That to secure and protect these rights, Assemblies of the Natural Order, Councils of Recovery and Atonement, Forums of Advocates for the Greatest Good, and Citizen's Tribunals of Natural and Common Law are set forth among the People, fulfilling the inherent duties and responsibilities of advocacy and protection for all that is Sacred.
[ ] That whenever and where so ever any entity becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Sacred duty of the People to alter or abolish it, and to set forth new Assemblies, Councils, Forums and Tribunals, laying their foundations on such Principles and organizing their duties in such form, as to Them shall function most effectively to protect and sustain Their well-being as well as the Greatest Good for all that is Sacred. Prudence indeed, will dictate that governments, societies, nor Nature's Stones long established shall be overturned for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shown, that Humanity is more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right Itself by abolishing the forms and modalities to which Humanity is accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpers aligned, pursuing invariably the same object(ive) clearly displays a collaborated plan to reduce the Sacred Design and Its Natural Order under absolute despotism, it is the necessity of the Sacred, it is the Sacred duty of the People to abolish such entities be they governmental or societal, and to provide new protections for the well-being and future of all that is Sacred. Such has been the patient sufferance of the People; and such is now the necessity which constrains the People to alter Their former systems and agencies of government. The history of the 'United States' government is a history of repeated injuries committed by way of usurpers aligned, all having in direct object(ive) the establishment of apathetic despotism over the People and the Natural Order occurring within and throughout its proclaimed boundaries and borders. To prove this, let facts be submitted to a candid Global Citizenry:
It has refused its assent to that of serving the Greatest Good for all that is Sacred. Asserting instead, its authority over and upon all that is Sacred, usurping all Principles and Common Laws as demonstrated throughout the Natural Order of the Sacred Design, and worse, administering such usurpations as Provident Order. (It is fully acknowledged that any usurpation of the Sacred Design is an act of desecrating the Sacredness occurring within every Sacred aspect existing and expressed throughout the Natural Order in constance.)
It has repeatedly dissolved the Representatives/ Advocates, for opposing with absolute fervor, it's invasions of, violations upon, and immeasurable harms rendered upon all that is Sacred.
It has refused for a long time, after such dissolutions, to cause others to be elected; whereby the legislative capacities, incapable of actions to dismantle, have been provided the People at large for Their exercise; the Sacred Design and Its Natural Order remaining in the meantime exposed to all the harms of invasions from without and resulting distortions within.
In its refusal to serve the Greatest Good for all that is Sacred, it has altogether obstructed the balanced administration of Justice, by usurping the Supreme Common Law of the Land as expressed in constance by the Natural Order and demonstrated by the Sacred Design administered by Creator, establishing moreover a forum for the perversion of Balance than a Tribunal to preserve and extend the Balance demonstrated throughout the Natural Order of the Sacred Design.
It has made judges dependent on its agenda alone, for the tenure and salaries of their positions/ seats.
It has erected a vast multitude of new offices and policies sending hither swarms of agents to harass the People and violate the Sacred, eating out all substance of the Sacred.
It has kept among the People, in both times of Peace and during civil unrest, standing armies without the consent of and in violation to the rights and freedoms of the People.
It has affected to render the military and all acts thereof, independent of and superior to the standards of Civil Accountability.
It has aligned with others to subject the People to jurisdictions foreign to Their Counsel and unacknowledged by Their scope of concerns; giving its assent to the external assertions of false authorities upon its Citizens;
For quartering large bodies of militarized forces among and against the People.
For protecting military personnel by a mock trial from Accountability for any and all harms inflicted upon the Sacred and Peoples.
For affecting adversely our trade with all parts of the World.
For imposing unappropriated taxes upon the People, absent of Their consent and to the severity of enslavement.
For depriving the People in EVERY instance, of the benefits of a balanced and uncompromised judicial process.
For unlawfully detaining and transporting People/ Persons beyond reason to be tried and convicted for pretended offenses in a process heinous to the well-being and security of the People/Persons.
For abolishing the free Counsel of the People and Advocacy for the Greatest Good, establishing therein an arbitrary and heinous government, and enlarging its scope so as to render itself to be the example of an absolute and fit instrument to exert authority over all that is Sacred.
For heinous annihilation of our Sacred Agreements, abolishment of our most inherent responsibilities to all that is Sacred, altering fundamentally the purpose for governing and strategies to expand its governance.
For rebuking all rights and freedoms of the People and declaring itself to be invested exclusively with the heinous authority over all that is Sacred in all cases and causes whatsoever.
It has plundered the People, ravaged the resources, adulterated the Natural Order, violated the Air, contaminated the Water, altered the foods, and desecrated any rightful or honorable assent of the Sacred Design and Its Natural Order.
It has renounced any formation of dutiful acts of any kind by any entity Advocating the Greatest Good for all that is Sacred in totality, and to such degree as that of declaring any semblance thereto an act of terroristic treason punishable as such,thereby subjecting all Life and People to prison camp terms and conditions.
It is, and has been for too long with ongoing commitment, transporting large troops and foreign mercenaries to complete the heinous works of death, desolation, and tyranny - already perpetuated with circumstances of cruelty and perfidy scarcely paralleled in the most Natural display of Forces Absolute, and totally unworthy to be deemed any form of authority over a Free and Sacred Creation.
It has constrained our fellow Citizens, taken captive and extorted to bear arms against relations, to become false executioners of said relations, or to fall themselves by its own heinous will.
It has excited domestic conflicts and aggressions amongst all Peoples, and endeavors to pitch segratory propaganda as a means to its heinous ends.
In every stage of these wicked oppressions we have petitioned for redress in the most humble and honorable terms; our repeated petitions have been consistently answered only by repeated and accelerated injury. Any Leader whose character is thus marked, by every action defining a terroristic tyrant, is unfit to be the Leader of a humble, honorable, Sacred, and Free People. Nor have we been wanting in attention to our global Sacred relations. We have warned them from time to time of attempts by their legislature to extend an unwarrantable and unfavorable jurisdiction and authority over the People. We have reminded them of the circumstances of our emigrations here. We have appealed to their Native justice and magnanimity, and we have conjured them by the ties of our common kindred to disavow these usurpations, which would inevitably and invariably disrupt our connections and corroborations in Advocacy and support of the People and all that is Sacred. Some or many of which have been deaf to the voices of dutiful Advocacy and apathetic to the perpetuated enslavement of the People at the hands of unconscionable tyrannies. We must, therefore, acquiesce in the necessity, which perpetuates our causes for Dissolution, and hold them as we hold the rest of the tyrannical regimes, as enemies of the Sacred and treasonous to the Natural Order and Its Principles demonstrated in constance and throughout the Sacred Design.
We, therefore, give form and forum for the Assemblies of the Natural Order, a collective of Advocates for the Greatest Good, appealing to our Creator of all that is Sacred, for the rectitude of our dutiful intentions, do, in the name, and by appointment of the Sacred, as aspects of the Sacred, embodied as Humans, solemnly publish and declare;
That the Assemblies of the Natural Order are, and of Right, Free to act and move honorably, diligently, and responsibly toward the protections of all that is Sacred; that the Assembly of the Natural Order is absolved from any and all tyrannical regimes; that no political entity or action may circumvent, overrule, or undermine any course deemed or declared necessary by the Assembly of the Natural Order to set forth for the preservation of Creator's Sacred Design; that the Assembly of the Natural Order may establish and call forth a Counsel of Advocates for the Greatest Good, a Council of Recovery and Atonement, and that to bring any and all usurpations to Balance and accountability, a Citizen's Tribunal of Natural Order and Common Law shall be the only forum of process by and through which Justice for all that is Sacred may be fully achieved and altruistically preserved; that the Assembly of the Natural Order possesses the fortitude and accountability to end wars, promote understanding, mediate Agreements, demonstrate and maintain fair trade, ensure amnesty for the endangered; that the Assembly of the Natural Order bears the levity to directly abolish any entity and every action endeavoring to lay to waste any aspect of the Sacred Design or Its Natural Order. And for the support of this Declaration of Dissolution, with an Absolute reliance on the Loving Protection of the Sacred's Creator, we mutually pledge to all that is Sacred and to each other, our Lives, our Future, and our Sacred Humble Honour.