from the website
"My health and my mind have all improved 3 years now going on. I will be involved in 1 healing a week minimum or will jump on the monthly clearings.
Thank you for being the angel you are Christopher & being here for all of humanity your gift is amazing… God chose well…" ~Ange V.
"The tumor in my breast would shrink after each time I did a healing to the point that when I had the surgery it had shrunk significantly and there was no invasive disease left ! The Drs couldn't believe it and described it as a radical remission .Thank you so much!!!" ~Debbie L.
"Amongst other things, I had a bad disc that flared up every time I tried to cross country ski or dig a lot in the garden. But, by golly, after hearing Christopher say the Melchizedek beings have permission to replace discs, I listened to the healings during the winter, and now have no issues! I am so humbled. Many blessings to you and all who listen." ~Helen F.
"As an empath, intuitive, and healer, I can affirm the profound reality of the healing Christopher Macklin operates in. I have used the prayers, recordings, lives, personal sessions, group clearings. WoW, sometimes other healers need healing and clearing also. I'm writing this to affirm all the above, also to give testimony to group clearings for an entire month at $120. For what cleared in the first four days only, I would have spent $12,000. Grateful, thankful, leaping outta bed in the a.m. and living in mission. Thank you for serving the highest and greatest good of all." ~Bryson M.
"Last week I had dentist appointment, according to the dentist I have a problem with one of my back teeth. Last year he told me that the way my tooth is I should be in lots of pain and my mouth and face should be swollen. Never had any pain or swollen face etc. so they were shocked to see my tooth is fine and has some proper roots. Thank you Dr. Macklin." ~Charanjit G.
"Christopher and Amanda are the kindest souls ever, and the healings Christopher imparts are the real deal. This is psychic surgery and frequency medicine.
I'm one of those shamans who travels out of body a lot, and I see the work that the healings are doing affect not only the individuated beings in this earth plane timeline, but I see the impact rippling out across parallel timelines, places and people.
I went to the Melchizedek beings and Chris with diagnosed precancerous tissue changes, and I watched over an hour and a half as the tumor matrix was dissolved in one of his free group healings. It is impossible to overstate the impact of the work he is doing or that we are doing when we sign up to come alongside. To Chris and his team. I see you and thank you." ~ Makhosi R. (of Zulu Sangoma indigenous medical tradition)
"I am working with Christopher on long-standing ailments (60 years). I recently threw into the mix a 'wrinkle' or 'crease' I had on my retina. It appeared as three quarters of a black circle. I could feel the energy directed toward my left eye. In one day, I noticed the crease was gray, In two days it was ABSOLUTELY GONE. Thank you Christopher, God, the Beings and the wonderful Team." ~Mary K.
"I found Christopher's work when I really felt attacked by physical and non physical forces. It was the only thing that stopped it completely until I was able to stand in my sovereignty. It still works wonders for a clean sweep. I was also suffering from a malady that was cured through this work. I am still in awe and amazed by it. Thank you so much for all your help." ~M.P.
"I’ve only experienced Dr. Macklin's guided meditations app, but what it has done for me and a ten year hip pain problem in 6 minutes has left me in awe! I started with the Melchizedek clearing and I got up off the bed and to my amazement the hip pain I laid down with 10 minutes before was gone! It tried to come back a couple days later along with a feeling of anger and frustration all day and all I could think about was getting home to use this meditation again and when I did I’ve never looked back and no more pain! I’m currently using the Whole body detox with some very interesting things happening to my body in a positive way!
I’ve even seen a difference in my Massage Therapy treatments for my clients, the energy I use seems so much stronger. Thank you so much Christopher and the Melchizedek beings for your gifts!! ~Jason T.
"Christopher knows his stuff and is completely tuned into the moment. My 15-year brain fog cleared after 2 healing sessions and is still improving along with my thyroid issues. He works on a frequency that is ahead of it's time and I'm grateful I found him." ~CecCe S.
"My Bff passed over about a 1 1/2 years ago. I haven't been able to dispose of his things. I was still in shock. but I noticed recently I'm able to get rid of things and the pain has been removed
I also noticed that my vision has been amazingly crystal clear. It almost doesn't seem real .Colors are even brighter." ~Rob H.
"I worked with Christopher Macklin for almost two years. I must have been very sick. He came to me after praying to God on my hands and knees. I then was walking down the street in NYC and a monk stopped me to sign his book and give me a gift. I said no thank you, I am a Christian and we went back and forth for a few minutes. A women was standing there watching this and she was laughing. When the monk waked away, I started talking with her... for two hours. She was dressed from a different time so it looked, (long skirt and a bit like little house on the prairie) . Anyway that was the day I got Christopher Macklin's card from her and I call her a guardian angel as I never saw her again. As a Christian, it was hard to shift my beliefs to allow this type of healing but I believe also that God does not want us to suffer and people have gifts from God. While I was working with him, he has gifts that are beyond my understanding. Unfortunately I am still on my healing journey but I do recommend him and feel he is more gifted than anyone I have ever worked with. I would say he has techniques that are beyond this world. We are all light beings so .. and I would let go of your beliefs and give him a try!" ~Danielle N.
from our youtube channel
"So happy to notice how with time the quantity of views growing. More healing-happier people. Seriously! Christopher Macklin was so inspiring with his genuine happiness when I first saw him on Laura Eisenhower interview. And now I'm the same. Happy and excited every morning, sharing joyful and light-hearted energy. Thank you! p.s. yes, the healing effect is profound!!!" ~Ouija
"You guys are the BOMB!!! My heart failure is DISAPPEARING. If you are here, you CAN be healed." ~Mary
"Thank you, Chris! I can really tell the difference if I miss a session. I feel much better and ready for my lie down. Gobekli Tepe!" ~Nancy T.
"Hello!!! Greetings from Texas! I'm hearing you right now on Coast to Coast and I just received that healing that you did on air! I totally accepted everything in that healing, and I did feel everything that you were demonstrating on air! I felt the tightness in the chest and release... I also felt exactly everything he was calling forth, like reptilian entities and whatnot, WOW! I also would sway and do different thing right when he was saying it. I'm excited! I felt tons lighter!!!Thank you kindly, sir! God bless you!" ~Roxanne
"Again, we returned to the timeless archive and received the blessings of this beautiful healing. Christopher, be assured that we are so grateful for your gifts which you share so generously with us. We feel the loving power and want to say always know we love you and your ministry with all our hearts. Thank you for spreading goodness and light in the world xxx " ~Love Jean & David
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