Hi, i have painful spinal OA at mid-back, as well as other back issues, scoliosis, severe varicosities, foot issues, neuropathy, fibromyalgia, eye issues, tooth issues, poor circulation, and other painful conditions, what would be the Macklins' strategy for all that?
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Have you tried CBD oil made from hemp?
I was aware of that, but i'd wanted to know their strategy for worst-case scenario's such as mine. Not just for relatively minor stuff such as most people have. For example, say you have several tooth extractions, lots of crowns, and root canal. How do mini-angels regenerate such teeth to become like brand new? How do they fix those with shrapnel in odd places internally? In fact, i think the decomposing and recomposing of botched-up surgeries and botched-up anatomies (such as veins, bunions, war-victims etc.), would have to be even more intricately-miraculous than resurrection, since the deceased are already decomposed! Does that make sense?🙄
Hello, the best place to start perhaps is to do the weekly general healing that Christopher offers. I have found them tremendously helpful.