Hello everyone, I am new to this forum, but I took my RED PILL about two years ago and have been on a heck of a journey since. Something is happening to our world and everything/one on it. The channelings from Peter Maxwell, Shi-Ji, speak of the ascension of Earth or Gaia and how important our part truly is. This event could be called the second coming of Christ or some are simply calling it the Christ Vibration. I have been swooped up by it and the evidence is all around me. Three months ago I felt like I was dying. I have active Hep B and cirrhosis, not a good scenario. Though, I have changed dramatically since I first felt the "Vib", my health was still lingering. It wasn't until my studies led me to Shi-Ji, and several other vetted sources, that I felt improvement. I was missing certain information about multi-dimensional energies, Light Energy, Blue print, and how to open myself up to these. Oh boy, have things changed through crystal work, meditation, and Scalar Energy. I am much improved and my latest blood work shows unusual improvement. Yeap, the doctors just can't figure out how their medicine is working so well. INDEED! Perhaps it isn't the medicine at all, perhaps it has to do with all the emotional and spiritual work I've done over the last two years coupled with new friends, knowledge, beliefs, energy work, and an unyielding thirst for truth, love, unity, service, and forgiveness. After all, we are a energetic hologram that can be re-made. YES, I AM A TRUE BELIEVER WHO ONCE WAS LOST IN THE LOWER LIGHT BUT HAS FINALLY AWAKENED.
Peace, love, and light to all. I hope to make some good connections...