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Jan 23, 2023
In 11
Letting go is an important aspect of any relationship or situation. It is crucial in order to move forward with life and to make positive changes. A positive way to think of letting go is to view it as giving up control of the Universe. It means trusting that everything will be alright and that you are allowing things to happen in your life, not forcing them. Affirmations are powerful tools that can help us let go of the past and release all the hurt and pain we have felt. They allow us to believe that we have already created the life we desire and that peace, love, and joy are already present in our lives. The healing power of affirmations can be used with any negative feelings we have towards in our life, whether they concern ourselves or others. We can use them as self-healing tools that help us through difficult times. Affirmations can give us hope and strength when we feel afraid or insecure about a new relationship, a change at work, a major exam, or any other situation in life. They remind us that we are strong and capable individuals who possess all the knowledge, skills, and abilities we need to face any challenge head-on. I believe that letting go of negative emotions, such as fear, anger, guilt, sadness, etc., is an important part of finding happiness in our lives. When we find peace within ourselves, it allows us to share this happiness with the people around us in a way that brings both joy and love into their lives too. These are fifteen I don't chase i attract affirmations to boost your self-esteem and confidence. I release all negative thoughts and emotions. I let go of past hurt and pain. I trust in the universe to guide me towards my highest good. I am open to new opportunities and experiences. I choose to live in the present moment. I am strong enough to let go of what no longer serves me. I trust in my ability to heal and move forward. I release all attachments and expectations. I am grateful for the lessons learned and the growth experienced. I am open to change and transformation. I am worthy of love and happiness. I choose to let go of control and trust in the flow of life. I am surrounded by love and support. I trust in my own inner strength and resilience. I choose to focus on the positive and let go of the negative.
15 Letting Go Affirmations ("I Don't Chase, I Attract") content media


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