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Compliance ☠️s!
Oct 03, 2022
In 11
I've had type 1 diabetes since I was 12, now nearly 43. I'm curious, is type 1, being an autoimmune disease also a manufactured disease? Why would my immune system attack such a critical system, resulting in my cells unable to complete the energy cycle because nature's just that way? What gives it away for me is the theory, one of many that it could be caused by a virus. And how come it almost only affects adolescents, rarely past the age of 20? I know some damaging treatment like Radio and chemotherapy can damage the beta cells, my doctor now has type 1 due to his treatment and he's past 60! Its frustrating how they say type 2 is more dangerous when if these people got up and exercised, ate better and studied their illness it would like dissapear. Type 2 seems self inflicted consequence. Sorry but it is irritating. I have to take 'human' insulin. Genetically modified artificial insulin. Before they used bovine or prcine insulin, some people cannot tolerate the artificial stuff so they still make animal insulins. With type 1, one slip can get you in and out of hospital infinite times. They say to keep blood glucose as low as possible, but that increases the chance of hypoglyceamia which is a horrid experience. I have heard of one or two alternative cure claims. One is using sodium bicarbonate but I dont know if it works ofter years or soon after diagnosis. There's a guy who advocates it and has many cancer patients cured with it. Thoughts? And how old is diabetes? I'm sure there were the odd freak one-off individuals throughout history who consumed some poison or something. But isn't there a growing epidemic of type 1? Seems only the within the past century too. Has Christopher Macklin had success with adult type 1s who have had it since childhood?

Compliance ☠️s!

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