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Join date: Nov 8, 2023


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Having been birthed awake on this planet called Earth, from the time I could speak or before, I had a knowing of my being different, separate from my Earth family, my purpose was always with me. I've been told I was a sweet child, loving and always ready to help.

I automatically knew certain things were not to be divulged or discussed, I kept my own counsel. I played well with other children, but was always drawn to go off on my own. In my solitude I would meet with my other worldly friends, my mother called them my imaginary friends, there was nothing imaginary about them.

These beings were teachers guiding me in knowledge about natural phenomenon. I learned about plants, insects, even rocks...never a dull moment, I was always happy to be in their company. Holding illuminated spheres they would tell me how much I was loved and protected. On occasion, I wanted to hold the illuminated spheres but was told that I could not, they weren't meant for me.

Of course through a lifetime of growing up I experienced many different happenings. Once, when I was around fifteen years old, I had an experience of paralysis on my bed. Aware of the room and of the restraints on me, I struggled to be free. Physically, I started lifting off of the bed with me frantically struggling. I ascended closer and closer to the ceiling when all of a sudden I was no longer restrained lying on my bed in a puddle of sweat.

I've had numerous occasions of seeing UFOs, astral traveling, lucid dreaming, communicating with ETs & departed loved ones. I have had interaction with light beings, Mother Mary (Divine Mother) being one of the main ones.

I look forward to meeting new people through this site and sharing our experiences. May all of you always be surrounded by the protection of Divine Love and Divine Light!

Henry Philip Vige 777

Divine Conduit

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