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From my travels...Hawaii.
Sharing inspiration I received...
Me and two friends on the Giza Plateau 12-12-12
Hello everyone! I am new to this site and wanted to introduce myself. My name is Henry Philip Vige, I use the added 777 due to the fact that each of my three names adds up to a seven; I was told this was very unusual by the elderly numerologist that did my numerology chart.
I am including a photo from a trip to Egypt that I experienced with my brother on December 21, 2012. This illuminated Blue Sphere appeared in the mid afternoon sky over Abu Ghurab, Egypt near Saqqqara, considered the holiest ancient Egyptian religious site and which is not open to the public. Abu Ghurab is also known as a Stargate. Our tour group was given permission to visit Abu Ghurab along with a chaperone from The Egyptian Antiquities Dept.
I invite any suggestions as to what you think this phenomenon is in actuality. I can tell you that there was consciousness behind this appartion and it is the most beautiful blue color in my opinion. There is a hazy purple color surrounding the illuminated Blue Sphere also. I have heard that it is a portal of some kind, a UFO, Mother Mary, or the star Sirius.
I look forward to forming friendships here as well as an exchange of experiences.
Always In Divine Love & Light,
I look forward to the conversations on this web page. My message IS ". THE UNIVERSE IS MENTAL. Your mindset is everything. Listen to your inner voice.
Thank you!
I posted this on another forum, and then I found this one. Today during our event on 6-26-21, from 3 to 4:20 pm central time, the Schumann Resonance matches a heightened influx of energy - far right. I looked at it about an hour after we were together as I felt something would show. It's fun to think we could have made a showing on this graph.
I finally head back from my CC Coordinator. You can register for FREE here: YOU CAN REGISTER HERE: Webinar Registration - Zoom YOU CAN ALSO REGISTER HERE:
I thought he said that he would put it on his website.
I would also like to know. Christopher stated in the 5/13 group session that it would be posted to this website. Where has it been posted? I cannot find it. Also, I did email both the Florida CC and my Regional CC Coordinators asking them to share the information. I still have not received an acknowledgement or the information. THANK YOU!
How do I sign up for the connected conscious & the May 22 event ?
Staci, I missed what he said too. I get a bit daffy while we are settling in for the sessions. It myst be the high energies that scramble my attention. I think I’ll go on You Tube and do a rerun and catch what it was that he said.
Amanda, I Didnt catch was Christopher was saying he was personally dealing with today in the zoom. I caught detoxing and got dusted🤔 did I hear that part right? Both of your spirits and your love just WASH THROUGH THE ETHERS, both for each other ( and Don of course😉) For Humanity! I feel lit up inside again and want to share you with the world. The ability to heal and clear and shine our light is so Strong again! It's like 23 years ago when I found the sweat lodge. How do people SURVIVE In This World without this?!!! Some people arent ready lol. I got called a heretic by my daughter LOL😂🤣😂 BLESS HER. Her ick programming and snarky little hitchhikers are quite comfortable. So she resists, and I persist😁🙌💫🙏 I Just cant Verbally Express my love and gratitude for you your mission and your service and gifts to others. And yet I feel like family.💜💙💚💛❤💫🧬
Hello Fellow light beings!
I’m finding that my lack of experience is getting me no where soon relative to questions I have. I want to instill within my mamá to the nature of the psychic healings when she is very loyal to her Mormon beliefs. She is now suffering from a 95% likely malignant growth on her thyroids that is becoming more and more difficult to breathe, eat, etc.
what is the best plan of action to expedite a general group healing?
I just downloaded the app. This is my first time on a blog so wish me luck. I’m in SWFlorida Naples and I have some very interesting happenings here. I wonder if I’m close to that Camelot place?
Lucky you, ipgdeborah, I’m exploring how to move to Arkansas around the Eureka area. Perhaps we will meet one day ✨💖
Just wanted to let others know that the amethyst pendant is the best. Really helps keep you clear and aligned with the prayers too.
Hi Community!
This is a lovely opportunity to connect. Just wondering if any of you live in the general Branson area? We are moving there April 1st and would love to know of other kindred spirits who live in the area.